Our Current Dark Roast Single Origin
If you subscribe now, this will be the coffee in your first shipment, and will continue to be the coffee you receive in this subscription until we rotate to our next dark roast single origin. Single origin subscribers will be notified by email when the coffee is about to change, and will get all details of the new coffee, with enough time to make any desired changes to their subscription plan.Varieties: Catuai, Caturra, Lempira, Pacas
Growing Altitude: 1,300 - 1,500 masl
Processing Method: Fully Washed
COMSA is focused on sustainable, organic agriculture. Their training structure both disseminates knowledge and puts a focus on experimentation and innovation, building a cooperative membership that strongly believes in and practices sustainable agriculture.
Many member farmers create experimental plots for trialing new techniques and tailoring organic inputs to their specific needs. COMSA also supports members in building processing infrastructure to make value addition through quality processing more accessible to their members.
In 2019, COMSA started a recycling plant that collects recyclable materials from 44 educational centers in Marcala. Any non-recyclable materials are incinerated to prevent pollution.
COMSA also supports beekeeping as a source of income diversification and natural medicine for coop members.
When COMSA purchased Finca La Fortaleza, the land was abandoned. Under their care, La Fortaleza became a model farm for COMSA members as well as a grassroots training facility for cooperatives across Honduras and beyond. The farm includes space for farmer trainings and classes, and their on-site cabins host everyone from eco-tourists to NGO workers to field technicians from other cooperatives.
In addition to the farm’s training center, COMSA produces organic fertilizers, pesticides and foliant sprays on-site at Finca La Fortaleza. They also cultivate all kinds of vegetables and herbs in the farm’s garden, mainly for use in natural medicines.
COMSA’s leaders recognized that in order to change their future, they need to invest in today's youngest generations. In 2017, COMSA purchased a failing private school next door to their wet mill in Marcala and founded their international school.
Most students are the children of cooperative members or coffee farm laborers, and an impressive 80 to 90% of students are on scholarships. A school bus transports children to and from school daily. Students range in age from 6 months to 17 years.
Another remarkable aspect of the school is its progressive teaching principles. Teaching practices draw from a variety of educational philosophies including Montessori principles and the Doman method (a groundbreaking method for teaching students with learning disabilities). Classes are dual language and all students learn Spanish and English.

This well-rounded coffee has been gently roasted to a dark-but-not-too-dark profile to maximize tasting notes like caramelized sugar and butter, and toasted marshmallow, while still retaining hints of sweetness and tart berry.